Jacky on her 8'10 Naish today at the CB pier. It was so windy off shore today, I didn't think we'd be able to catch anything, but it turned out to be pretty easy surfing.
Hello Dw, I was wondering if you get wet at all in the dry suit. If you do does the water weigh you down, and what type of suit would you recomend. I saw one for barefoot skiing that was real tough.
Bobby I don't recommend drysuits unless they are gore-tex. Otherwise they feel horrible inside. You bake like a clam. The gore-tex suits run about $800.
The Patagonia wool lined wetsuit at $500 is a better solution
I've owned the cheap drysuits and some of my friends have them, but nobody uses they much because they feel so bad inside. Those yellow and blue drysuits we wear are all gore-tex
59 years old. 6'2 195 lbs. a.k.a. DW on the Standupzone.
Wife SUPs too. Started SUPing May 2007
Real Names: Dwight and Jacky Fisher,
Contact: fishersfortblog at bellsouth.net or phone 910-two nine seven - four five six seven.
Looks fun, thats why we are on the SUP's. Makes the so so days fun.
Great pictures! Love the laid out bottom turn Jacky!
Hello Dw, I was wondering if you get wet at all in the dry suit. If you do does the water weigh you down, and what type of suit would you recomend. I saw one for barefoot skiing that was real tough.
Bobby I don't recommend drysuits unless they are gore-tex. Otherwise they feel horrible inside. You bake like a clam. The gore-tex suits run about $800.
The Patagonia wool lined wetsuit at $500 is a better solution
I've owned the cheap drysuits and some of my friends have them, but nobody uses they much because they feel so bad inside. Those yellow and blue drysuits we wear are all gore-tex
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